Our People
The core of our strength as an organization comes from people. Our work is fuelled by a talented volunteer Board of Directors, our passionate team, supportive, valued partners, and by you.

Subha Ramanathan
Manager of Programs and Partnerships, Share the Road Cycling Coalition
Subha has a doctorate in public health and more than 20 years of experience with research, program evaluation and health promotion. Over the last decade, Subha has consulted on numerous population-level interventions related to physical activity and active travel including Ride & Drive with Care and UCycle for Share the Road, and the Ontario Active School Travel Program for Green Communities Canada. Subha has also provided subject matter and methodological expertise for applied public health projects with the Population Physical Activity Lab at the University of British Columbia.
Subha’s role as Manager of Programs and Partnerships at Share the Road is a natural extension of her experience in working with multi-sector stakeholders and identifying feasible action plans and metrics for building healthy communities. Subha coordinates programming for the Ontario Bike Summit and is responsible for the Bicycle Friendly Communities (BFC) awards program.
Board of Directors

Ed McMahon, Past Chair
Partner, CORE International Inc.
Ed is a partner at CORE International Inc., a management consulting firm specializing in organizational design and structure. He is a recognized expert in managerial leadership and team effectiveness and governance in the not-for-profit sector, specializing in federated not-for-profits. Ed began his consulting career with Deloitte Consulting and has managed several national and international practices for various consulting firms. In 2004 Ed established Teamworx, a consulting firm devoted to helping organizations create highly effective teams.
For a number of years Ed was a sessional instructor at McMaster University’s DeGroote School of Business where he taught leadership and management at the graduate and undergraduate level. He has extensive volunteer experience ranging from Cubs and Scouts Canada, the Canadian Association of Management Consultants, to Habitat for Humanity, where he recently ended his term as Chair of the national board of directors.

Eleanor McMahon, Chair & Founder
Eleanor McMahon is a seasoned executive with experience in the private, public and non-profit sectors. She spent the early years of her career working on Parliament Hill, including as press secretary to the Rt. Honourable Jean Chrétien. Later, she brought her consensus-building know-how to a variety of other roles including Vice-President at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Vice-President at United Way Ottawa. She served as the Member of Provincial Parliament for Burlington from 2014 to 2018, and was appointed to Cabinet as Ontario’s Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, as well as President of the Treasury Board.
A passionate advocate for the safety of cyclists, Eleanor founded the Share the Road Cycling Coalition in 2007 following the death of her husband, OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart killed by a careless driver while on a training ride on his bicycle. Under her leadership, this grassroots organization united cycling groups across Ontario to make communities more bicycle-friendly, mobilized municipal leaders across the province, and pressed the Ontario government to toughen the law regarding individuals who drive while suspended. That legislative change, Greg’s Law, passed in 2009. In addition, she led the impetus that resulted in the Coroner’s Review into Cycling Deaths in 2012 which resulted in the 2013 launch of #CycleON, Ontario’s first Bicycle Policy update in 20 years.
While in office, she was instrumental in the passage of two other legislative safety measures: Ontario’s One Metre Safe Passing Law (2015) and legislation strengthening the Careless Driving provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, creating Canada’s first Vulnerable Road User legislation in 2017. That same year, she announced a $125 million investment in cycling infrastructure in several communities across Ontario.
Following her public service career, Eleanor served as CEO of the Trans Canada Trail and at the University of Waterloo as Vice President University Relations. She continues to serve as a Director on several not-for-profit boards.

Mary Lou Tanner, Board Member
FCIP, RPP, Partner and Principal Planner, NPG Planning Solutions
Mary Lou is a seasoned active transportation and transportation planning executive with extensive experience helping major municipalities in Ontario plan and execute safe and effective multi-use transportation networks. Mary Lou has worked as a member of a number of regional and municipal governments in Ontario including the City of Hamilton (where she was a Senior Planner and later, the Manager of Infrastructure Planning), Halton Region (Chief Planner), Region of Niagara (Director and Manager, Planning and Public Works, and Chief Planner) and the City of Burlington (Director and Chief Planner, Deputy City Manager).

David McLaughlin, Board Member
MES, MCIP, RPP, Senior Project Manager, National Active Transportation Planning and Design Lead: Canada, WSP
Dave is a multi-modal transportation planner with extensive experience in preparing transportation master plans, cycling and trail system network strategies and design guidelines, as well as transit and TDM planning and policy development. He is WSP’s Active Transportation Planning and Design lead in Canada, one of WSP’s leading national urban mobility and complete streets specialists and is often involved in projects from the planning and approval stage through functional and detailed design stages.
Dave is a full member of the Canadian Institute of Planners and the Institute of Transportation Engineers, a member of ITE’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Council, a member of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) and sits on the Ontario Traffic Council’s Active Transportation Committee. He is co-author of Ontario Traffic Manual Book 18: Cycling Facilities (2013) and MTO’s Bikeway Design Manual (2014) and is currently leading a team developing a Provincial Cycling Network Strategy for the Province of Ontario and the City of Toronto’s on-street bikeway design guidelines. Dave has extensive experience in the development of sustainable and active transportation (AT) master plans, bicycle parking guidelines, Class EAs, AT facility guidelines and separated bikeway functional and detailed designs.

Diane Freeman, Board Member
P.Eng. FCAE, FEC, Ward 4 Councillor - City of Waterloo
Diane Freeman is a Professional Engineer with over 25 years of engineering and project management experience. She is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers, the organization that recognizes accomplished engineers, who are dedicated to the application of science and engineering principles in the interest of the country, and a Fellow of Engineers Canada the national organization of the 12 engineering regulators that license the country's 295,000 members of the profession. Diane also has over 25 years of Board Governance Experience including serving in a variety of leadership roles.
Diane believes in the importance of volunteering her time and talents. She served the Engineering profession for over 25 years on the Board of Professional Engineers Ontario as well as the Board of Engineers Canada. On these boards, she held many executive positions including President of Professional Engineers of Ontario in 2010-11.
Diane has served on the Council of the City of Waterloo continuously since 2006. During her over 12 years on Council, Diane has been an unrelenting champion for building accessible communities by planning, funding and installing sidewalks, trails and dedicated bicycle infrastructure. Through her work on the Board of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Share-the-Road Coalition Diane helped to deliver Ontario’s first Bicycle Summit. This summit led to the creation of the Bicycle friendly community awards in Ontario as well as the first Provincial cycling strategy.
For her work in building a cycling friendly Ontario, Diane received a Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee medal and a cycling leadership award from the Share-The-Road Coalition.
Spurred by the lack of licensed childcare space in Waterloo Region and a desire to inspire Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics learning in children, Diane led the incorporation, design, development, and fundraising of a 10,500 square foot not-for-profit childcare centre in Waterloo called the Butterfly Learning Centre.

Jeffrey M. Casello, Board Member
Ph.D.; Associate Vice President Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs; Professor, School of Planning and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo
Professor Casello’s interests lie in urban transportation systems and their impacts on healthy and economically viable urban areas. As such, he teaches and conducts research on the planning, design and operation of systems that promote efficient, balanced transportation, enhances regional economic competitiveness and supports social mobility. His research highlights include contributions to improved behavioural models for transit systems and the assessment of empirical evidence in the planning and design of active transportation modes. In 2014, Jeff spoke to members of Canadian Parliament on the future of public transportation. He has also had the opportunity to consult in Philadelphia, Toronto, Washington DC and Singapore. At Waterloo, Jeff received the Distinguished Teacher Award, the highest teaching honor at the University.

Chris Drew, Board Member
Land Use Planner, Kagan Shastri DeMelo Winer Park LLP
Chris Drew is a land use planner with clients in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. Chris graduated from the School of Urban and Regional Planning at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) and has been an active volunteer and mentor on the alumni association since 2013.
Chris has been a life-long passionate advocate for cycling and has volunteered for Cycle Toronto and organized numerous bike tours with guest speakers including for TMU planning students, alumni, and guests, the Urban Land Institute, and collaborated with the German Consulate General of Toronto on German-Toronto bike tours. Chris has participated in several charitable events including Greg’s Ride and rides on the Gardiner Expressway-Don Valley Parkway. Internationally, Chris has enjoyed cycling in Chile and in Mexico as part of an open streets trip organized by 8-80 Cities.
Transit advocacy and its synergies with cycling is another passion of Chris’ and he has been involved in efforts in Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, Waterloo Region, and most notably Brampton. Chris is an active volunteer on the Brampton Board of Trade’s Policy and Government Relations Committee and is a strong supporter of the federal government’s Alto project for high speed rail between Toronto-Peterborough-Ottawa-Montreal and Quebec City.
Chris believes that active transportation can be incorporated into all facets of life including weddings, as he took the GO train to his wedding in 2019, cycled to the venue, and then down the aisle.