Our Vision:
Share the Road envisions a future in which Ontario is the most bicycle friendly place in North America

Our Mission:
Share the Road is building a bicycle-friendly Ontario where everyone feels safe riding a bicycle through:
Strengthening capacity, and;
Awareness and Education.
Our Values
Share the Road works in partnership with other non-profit organizations, the business community and local, provincial and federal governments. Our work is based on these values:
Improved safety and accessibility
People of all ages, abilities and incomes deserve to have the opportunity to cycle safely for recreation and transportation. Safe and accessibble cycling requires both adequate infrastructure and skills training.
Working collaboratively
We recognize that cycling has many stakeholders and we take a positive and collaborative approach in order to achieve mutual goals.
Strong, liveable and healthy communities
Cycling contributes multiple benefits to communities, and should be included in short and long-term planning. There are economic, health, environmental and scoial benefits to making communities bicycle-friendly.