Getting Started
Recommended process for new applicants:
- Read the Frequently Asked Questions.
- Review the offline version of the application – available here in Word. Applications must be submitted using the online platform.) You will notice that the BFC application is thorough. The online version may be saved and completed over multiple sessions, and by multiple collaborators. The comprehensiveness of the data we collect is critical, to allow a thorough assessment of your bicycle friendliness and acknowledge your progress over time.
- Form a BFC application task force, (i.e., the group that will pull together the information required and complete the application form). Reach out to diverse stakeholders in the community who care about cycling issues, for example, municipal staff, local cycling advocates, not-for-profit groups, student transportation services, charities, and/or elected officials.
Find three local reviewers and send them the link to the review form. Reviewers can be anyone who has knowledge of cycling and resides within the community. Their comments form part of your application, thus, the local review forms need to be completed by the application deadline.
- Create an account or login with an existing account in the online platform. If you have any questions about signing in, email [email protected]. Identify your collaborators.
- Gather the required information and enter it into the online system. You’ll probably find that you need to reach out to schools, police services, public health, not-for-profit organizations, businesses and others to gather the information you need. A key outcome of this process is that yu will build important partnerships along the way.
- Check to see if anything you have planned could be implemented before the application is submitted. Sometimes there is ‘low-hanging’ fruit you can address, and having an application deadline can provide motivation to expedite the process.
- Contact Subha at [email protected] if you have any questions.
- Review the application to ensure completeness before submitting.
- Submit the application before the deadline October 11, 2024.
- If awarded, circulate the press release written by Share the Road to your local media outlets, attend the 2025 Ontario Bike Summit (TBD) to meet with other designated BFCs, and celebrate your designation!
- Share the feedback report Share the Road provides with local cycling advocates and partners, prioritize the recomendations, and start implementing chosen priorities to move towards the next award level!
Process for communities that are re-applying:
As of July 2018, all BFC applications must be done using our new application platform. If you applied to a BFC round before July 2018, you would have entered your information into our old platform. You will need to create a new user ID on the new platform to create your next application. If it would be helpful for you to view your answers to an earlier BFC round, please email [email protected] and we can provide you with a PDF copy of your past application in the old system.