Share the Road began in memory of OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart, who was killed in a cycling tragedy in June 2006.
Launched in 2008, Share the Road works to engineer legislative change in Ontario, unite cycling organizations from across the province and work with and on behalf of municipalities to enhance their ability to make their communities more bicycle-friendly. Since 2008, we have championed advocacy efforts that have changed the cycling conversation and led to significant developments in support of cycling, including:
- Over $120 million in provincial cycling infrastructure funding
- The launch of #CycleON, Ontario’s first bicycle policy update in 20 years
- “Greg’s Law” targeting suspended drivers and repeat offenders
- Supporting amendments to the Highway Traffic Act that have led to increased fines for “dooring” cyclists, the institution of a 1m safe passing law and tougher distracted driving penalties

Our Founder: Eleanor McMahon
Following the tragic death of her husband, Ontario Provincial Police Sergeant Greg Stobbart — killed in June 2006 while cycling — Eleanor inspired to create societal and leglsative change, launched the Share the Road Cycling Coalition, Ontario’s first cycling policy and advocacy organization.
The Coalition has become one of North America’s leading cycling and urban mobility organizations. Since 2007 it has achieved significant public policy and legislative change in Ontario and in Canada: the largest investment in cycling infrastructure in Ontario history ($150M) and Ontario’s first Cycling Strategy in over 20 years (#CycleON in 2013) as an outcome of the Coroner’s Review into Cycling Deaths (2012) which Eleanor called for and participated in as the only NGO leader. Eleanor also initiated legislative reform to target motorists who drive while suspended, leading to the passage of Greg’s Law (2008).
From 2014-2018 she served as MPP for Burlington and in the Ontario Cabinet as Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport and as President of the Treasury Board and Minister Responsible for Digital Government. While elected she successfully engineered two other legislative changes in support of cycling and road safety: Bill 31 (2015) the One Metre Safe Passing Law, and in 2016 Bill 213 which created Canada’s toughest Careless Driving laws.
Eleanor is currently the Vice-President, University Relations at the University of Waterloo and serves as a Board Member for Share the Road. She can often be found on trails across Canada cycling, or walking with her dog Finn.