Bikes Can Do That info graphic.

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See how Peterborough GreenUP turned the #BikesCanDoThat campaign into an op-Ed series! With a new term of municipal council getting underway, advocates across Ontario will be engaging with decision makers to talk to them about the power of bikes to make their communities healthier, safer and more prosperous places to live.

We have prepared the infographic below for you to distribute, and have have provided links to all of our sources here on this page.


Tour By Bike 2017 – Ontario’s Cycle Tourism Strategy

Nanos Research 2018

CAA 2017 – Grinding to a Halt – Evaluating Canada’s Worst Bottlenecks

City of Vancouver 2018 – Vancouver’s Mobility Future: “Automating” Policy into Sustainable Results

British Medical Journal 2017 – Cycling to work has substantial health benefits, study finds

TCAT 2017 –  Economic Impact Study of Bike Lanes in Toronto’s Bloor Annex and Korea Town Neighbourhoods

Salt Lake City 2015 – 300 South Progress Report

McGill University 2016 – Exploring the link between the neighborhood typologies, bicycle infrastructure and commuting cycling over time and the potential impact on commuter GHG emissions

City of Ottawa 2017 Laurier Avenue Bike Lane Safety Audit

Leeds-Grenville Staff Report 2017

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