At Share the Road, we see our role in the road safety conversation being about making it easier for our partners to get the message of road safety out to their residents and stakeholders.
That's why we're pleased to be able to offer all of our professionally-produced public awareness campaigns for free to all municipalities in Ontario. Share them via social media, run them on your local TV stations or put them into rotation on public screens in places like libraries and public health offices. The only thing we ask is that you let us know how you got the message out to your community, and what your estimated reach was. You can request the files from each campaign and let us know how you diseminated them by contacting [email protected] today.
Stay Safe, Stay Back
The Stay Safe Stay Back Campaign was launched by Share the Road in 2013 through a partnership with the Canadian Automobile Association and partners in the municipal sector and the heavy trucking industry.
Give Space, Lighten Up
In 2017, Share the Road was pleased to partner with the Ministry of Transportation and several of our Bicycle Friendly Communities partners (The City of Burlington, The Town of Oakville, Safer Roads Ottawa, The City of Toronto, The City of Peterborough, The City of Windsor, The City of Mississauga and the City of London) to create a new ad campaign designed to educate the public about the 1m Safe Passing Law and the increased penalties for riding a bike without adequate lighting that were part of the changes to the Highway Traffic Act as part of the Making Ontario’s Roads Safer Act (2015).
The campaign features a 30 second TV Spot, a 60 second version of the ad, and some digital and print materials as well.
It Moves Us All
This was Share the Road’s first video, created in partnership with the Canadian Automobile Association (South Central Ontario).
Search Dutch Reach Campaign
This campaign is by the Share the Road Cycling Coalition and the Canadian Automobile Association (South Central Ontario) to raise awareness about the dutch reach.