The Share the Road Cycling Coalition is a provincial cycling advocacy organization working to build a bicycle-friendly Ontario.

We work in partnership with municipal, provincial and federal governments, the business community, road safety organizations and other non-profits to:

  • Enhance access for bicyclists on roads and trails
  • Improve safety for all bicyclists
  • Educate citizens on the value and importance of safe bicycling for healthy lifestyles and healthy communities.  

  • Since our launch in 2008, we have worked to unite Ontarians in support of cycling, build capacity among active transportation stakeholders and act as an effective partner, strong ally and political force.

    As part of our work, we coordinate programs, events and advocacy efforts across the province, including:

  • Our Bicycle Friendly Community program, which now recognizes 51 municipalities as Bronze, Silver or Gold;
  • The Annual Ontario Bike Summit;
  • Greg's Cycle for Kids, hosted annually in memory of OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart, and;
  • Acting as a voice for cycling at Queen's Park and successfully advocating for infrastructure funding ($120 million to date) and policy changes that make it safer and more convenient to ride a bicycle. 

  • We’re changing the conversation!

    Share the Road is proud to work with our partners to change the cycling conversation in Ontario. Since our launch, we have championed legislative changes that increase the funding available for cycling projects and make Ontario’s roads safer for all road users.

    Check out what Share the Road has accomplished with your help

    Over $120 million in provincial funding for cycling infrastructure.
    Designation of 44 Ontario communities as part of our Bicycle-Friendly Communities program. Ontario currently has 3 Gold, 8 Silver and 33 Bronze bicycle-friendly communities.
    The passing of Bill 31, which includes increased fines for "dooring" cyclists and the implementation of a 1m safe passing law.
    Passing of "Greg's Law", which targets motorists who drive suspended, unlicensed and therefore uninsured.

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